Saturday, February 23, 2008

Living out my life?

I am contemplating my life and the future of PR, marketing and surprisingly acting. I am a student at the University of North Texas who’s majoring in Journalism with a concentration in PR, and a minor in marketing. I have a strong passion for acting and many have encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I still I have a love for helping people so I would still like to do Pr and marketing work in non-profits. I guess it’s always good to have plan B if everything does not work out. I have always been one to keep a plan and I don’t plan to chase my dreams and live on the streets. Life is getting pretty crazy for me I am graduating a semester earlier than I am supposed to be. I am happy yet scared, I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life, but I must say I do have a good start. I guess all I can do is let go and let god, as my mom use to say. It’s hard to try to step out on your own when your use to being surrounded by so many counterparts. (My sisters in my case) I need to find some liquid courage before now and my birthday. I need a CHANGE! Wow this word has become an anthem in my life and I guess the country as well!

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