Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Divided Society

I am finally to the point where I am tired of having to hear about race being a factor in a presidential election where both of the running mates are Americans. Why can’t qualifications as well as the ability to get the job done, be the factor. Why does everyone have to focus so much on race, and worry about if the world is ready for a ‘black man’ or a ’white woman?’ In school why are we constantly being force to digest the word “diversity?” Why do we have to try to act like everyone is so different that we have to develop programs just so we can show that we are all getting along? I am so tired of it! When will we live in a better world? Sorry I just had to vent today!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Meeting Obama

I finally met the love of my life, j/k...but I really was excited to finally get to meet Obama. I was really bummed out when I missed him in Dallas, so to get to go to the one in Fort Worth and get close enough to shake his hand and thank him for coming to Texas was a real treat. It was so exciting to see all kinds of people of all different walks of life united for one common cause. It was a thrill to see how excited everyone was over one man, who promised them things that they really don’t know if he could deliver on. I had heard his speech a million times before so, I was rather bored with the whole presentation. The only thing that kept my attention was Obama flashing a pearly white smile every now and then and the cute secret service that seemed to be everywhere. I really was impressed but how much he could talk without getting tired. Well at least I got to get a front row seat at history unveiling itself.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Links for Wikipedia Assignment



3 informal focus on or promote to excess.


Meet the fake Steve Jobs, he invented the friggin iPod,


McDonald’s fake Blog
coke fake blog


sometimes referred to as a parody


fake cleb blogs

fake Alceda Blog



