Sunday, March 11, 2007

Grassroots or Astroturfs

The Rain Forest Action Network (RAN) is a legitimate group. They are definitely a grassroots organization. They are composed of thousands of volunteers around the world. Their main goal is to not only educate but also enforce certain laws, that help maintain or ecosystem. There many campaigns have single handedly pushed big corporation to adhere to restriction in regard to economic policies. They also work with other groups like themselves to stand up for the preservation of rainforests and our global ecosystem. They use non-direct action, campaign and grassroot organizing to help enforce corporations to follow certain guidelines when it comes to the preservation of our precious resources here in earth. Some programs and campaigns they have are Global Finance, Old Growth, Rain forest in the class room and Protect-a-Acre. These and many others have brought awareness of global destruction to light. Even though their main mission is protecting rainforests they still shed light on other areas that need restoration from the harm that corporations and society have denatured. They are no doubt a real group built on the foundation of strong ethics in regards to the preservation of our world and the reservation of our forests.


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